Identification of psychosocial factors affecting job retention of women with breast cancer. A pilot study


  • B. Porro
  • A. Michel
  • F. Trentini
  • E. Monrigal
  • B. Pierre
  • C. Zinzindohoue
  • F. Cousson-Gélie


Background: Absenteeism from work following a breast cancer diagnosis constitutes an important adverse consequence. The purpose of this study was to identify psychosocial factors that can improve job retention of women with breast cancer the year after the beginning of the treatments. Method: This longitudinal study was conducted with 68 women diagnosed with breast cancer. The first time measurement has been made at the beginning of treatments. The follow-up was respectively set by phone at 3, 6 and 12 months after the first interview. Psychosocial variables were: the social precariousness, anxiety and depression as personality traits, quality of life, posttraumatic growth, fatigue, social difficulties and social support. Job retention was measured using a ratio score taking into account the number of days worked and the hourly quota between each study time. Hierarchical regression analyzes were used. Expected results: We expect that a low social precariousness, a little anxious and not depressive personality, a good quality of life, a strong posttraumatic growth, few felt fatigue and social difficulties, and a good social support will be decisive for the job retention of women with breast cancer. Current stage of work: The three first times are already complete. Twenty patients remain in contact for the last study time. The last follow-up time is scheduled for June 2016. Discussion: Our study will consider including a personalized program to help the most vulnerable and to promote the rehabilitation of patients suffering from breast cancer, by offering social and psychological custom accompaniments populations.





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