Acceptance of Social Changes and Percieved Health in Lithuania


  • P. Zelviene
  • E. Kazlauskas


Background: Lithuania is a small European country marked with history of significant social changes during last two decades, including restoration of independence in 1990, and joining EU. We assume that social cognitions related with social changes can be significantly related with health. Our main goal of this study was to examine relationship between acceptance of social changes and perceived health in a Lithuanian general population sample. Research was funded by a grant (No. SIN-01/2012) from the Research Council of Lithuania. Methods: 626 participants, mean age about 39 on average (from 18 to 89 years) participated in our study. Self-report measures of perceived health and acceptance of social changes were used. Acceptance of social changes was measured using Social Changes Inventory (SOCHI) developed by the authors of this study. Findings: Results supported our prediction, that acceptance of social changes is significantly related with health. More positive attitude towards social changes was significantly related with better perceived health. Discussion: Present study contributes to better understanding of social cognitive factors of health in the context of society changes.






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