Preliminary Study of Psychological Factors on a Sample of Allergic Subjects


  • C.Y. Finocchiaro
  • A. Centra
  • C. Ruggieri
  • M.M. Ratti
  • L. Sarno


Background: Literature and clinical practice evidence that some patients who complain about allergic symptoms do not result positive from diagnostic tests. The study aims to investigate the possible psychological variables involved. Methods: The project involved 208 subjects of the Allergology Department of San Raffaele Hospital in Milan (Italy), who filled out three questionnaires,WHOQOL (World Heath Organization Quality of Life), SCL -90- R (Symptom Checklist -90 -Revised),TAS- 20 (20 -Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale). Findings: The true allergic patients represent the 78% of the sample and non-allergic 22%,while manifesting the symptoms. The non-allergic patients have more compromised scores in the scales of quality of life (F(1)=4.91; p?0.05) (WHOQOL). They have higher values in hostility (F(1)=16.33; p?0.001), somatization (F(1)=4.64; p?0.005), obsessive- compulsive (F(1)=6.05; p?0.05), interpersonal sensitivity (F(1)=8.76; p?0.005) and depression (F(1)=5.42. p?0.05) (SCL -90- R ). Discussion: specific psychological features may influence the symptomatology reported by patients with negative allergologic test results






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