Moderating Role of Intuition/Deliberation in Predicting Implicit/Explicit Motives Choice Congruent


  • A. Okvitawanli


We tested the hypothesis that decision made in intuitive mode tapped into non-declarative, affective-based motive system (implicit), while decision made in deliberative mode tapped into declarative, cognitively elaborated, socially influenced motive system (explicit). Mixed design study was used; motives and decisions measured within, while intuitive-deliberative manipulation was between. As decisions (dependent var.), scenarios with options corresponding to Achievement, Power, and Affiliation motives were used. Regression analysis (N=66) indicated no meaningful interaction when instruction followed standard means of inducing intuitive-deliberative modes. When focused on self vs. others were used instead, same analysis (N=80) showed the expected interaction effect, between explicit motives of affiliation and preference for affiliation options, only in deliberative (t=2.35, p=.02) and not in intuitive (t=-.20, p=.84) condition. Similar findings were found for explicit power motive on choice; high (t=4.42, p=.00) and low (t=-.26, p= .80) deliberation. Decisions congruent on implicit motives ensure affective satisfaction and enable automatic self-regulation, resulting in well-being and personal growth. Decision mode, however, is a mediator in choice-congruent motives. Results of the study showed that current decision making trend which focuses on deliberation and ill-defined intuition, goes contrary to the aim of well-being enhancement.






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