Special Issue: Intervention Development for Health Psychology Scholars


Intervention development, along with evaluation and implementation, is a core focus for health psychology scholars, whether it involves behavior change interventions or other types of interventions commonly used in the field. Therefore, the field contains a wealth of knowledge, however this knowledge is typically published in closed sources. With this special issue, our aim is to provide open educational resources to make this knowledge accessible to all scholars and other interested parties, such as citizens and students. It will also serve as a spiritual successor to an earlier issue published 10 years ago (https://ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/issue/view/ehp.v16.i5). 


This issue will be structured into two parts:


  • Part 1: Invited contributions focusing on the different steps of intervention mapping, a prominent protocol for intervention development.
  • Part 2: An open call for potential authors to submit short summaries of their intended contributions. While not limited to intervention mapping, submissions should relate to intervention development, evaluation, and/or implementation in a broad sense.


The timeline will be as follows:

September 1 2024:

Call for submissions opens, invitations sent out (the latest).

October 15 2024:

Deadline for submission ideas.

November 1 2024: 

Deadline for decisions on open call contributions.

February 1 2025:

Deadline for initial draft submissions.

April 1 2025:

Deadline for review comments to authors.

May 1 2025:

Deadline for authors' responses to review comments.

June 1 2025:

Deadline for revised submissions (first review round).

July 1 2025:

Second review round (if necessary) and final revisions.

August 1 2025: 

Final versions due for final publication preparation.

EHPS 2025 Conference:

Publication of the special issue.


Editors of the special issue may serve as (co-)authors but are ineligible to act as (peer) reviewers for their own manuscripts. To submit an idea, please send a structured or unstructured abstract of up to 250 words to ehp@ehps.net. Submissions received after October 15 will not be considered.