The role of physical post traumatic growth in predicting adjustment in
prostate cancer
D. Walsh
A. Groarke
T. Morrisson
F. Sullivan
This study explored how growth following a physical trauma predicts
adjustment (physical post traumatic growth; P-PTG). This study assessed whether mindfulness
moderates the relationship between post traumatic growth and adjustment and whether the
relationship between resilience and adjustment is mediated by growth. Structural Equation
Modelling was used to evaluate the role of post traumatic growth (PTG) in adjustment. Men
1-10years post prostate cancer treatment were recruited (n = 241). Measures: Post Traumatic
Growth Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale,
Patient Oriented Prostate Utility Scale, and Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory. P-PTG predicted
lower distress and improved quality of life (QoL). The relationship between resilience and
adjustment was fully mediated by P-PTG and PTG. Furthermore, mindfulness was found to moderate
the relationship between P-PTG, PTG and QoL. This structural equation model exhibits a good
fit: χ2 (352) = 567.40, p<.001, Q=.160, CFI= .93, RMSEA= .050 (.042-.058) AIC= 787.40. This
study supports P-PTG and its value in predicting adjustment and provides insight into the
relationships between resilience, mindfulness, PTG and adjustment.