Positive aging for all? The protective effect of positive views on aging
in precarious circumstances
C. Craciun
U. Flick
P. Gellert
Background: Precariousness, defined as lack of security for retirement,
can influence aging and result in health inequalities in old age. Methods: A mixed methods
approach was used to explore differences in psychosocial resources that middle-aged individuals
from precarious and financially secure backgrounds use for positive aging and whether positive
views on aging can compensate for lacking resources in midlife. Data from the German Ageing
Survey (N=1,888 in the secure group, N=521 in the precarious group) were analyzed to explore
the relation between resources, health and well-being, and to compare strategies used by
precarious and financially secure individuals. Semi-structured interviews with middle-aged
persons (N=20) from these two categories were analyzed in order to further explain the
quantitative findings. Findings: Precarious individuals have less resources for positive aging.
However, having a positive view on aging can compensate for insufficient resources.Qualitative
findings showed differences in strategies for resource management and perceptions of positive
aging. Discussion: Findings underlie the importance of positive views on aging as a resource
for healthy aging interventions.