State versus trait: validating state assessment of child and parental
catastrophic thinking about child pain
H. Durand
K. Birnie
M. Noel
T. Vervoort
L. Goubert
K. Boerner
C. Chambers
L. Caes
Background: Significant associations have been found between parents’
catastrophic thinking about their child’s pain and child disability. Studies have
interchangeably used trait and state versions of catastrophic thinking measures without
exploring the relative merit of or associations between these. The aim of this study is to
validate state versions of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for parents (PCS-P) and children
(PCS-C), and examine associations between these and ratings of child pain. Methods: Using a
retrospective cohort design, secondary analysis will be conducted on archival data from 11
studies (children: N=1289; parents: N=1159). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses will
be conducted to explore and cross-validate the factor structure of state PCS-P/PCS-C.
Hierarchical multiple regression will be used to explore associations between state and trait
PCS-P/PCS-C and child pain intensity, anxiety, and disability. Expected Results: State
PCS-P/PCS-C scores will provide information that is distinct from trait PCS-P/PCS-C scores for
child pain-related outcomes. Current Stage: Data synthesis is currently underway. Discussion:
Findings will illuminate the importance of multidimensional assessment of pain catastrophising,
and provide a basis for robust measurement of state pain catastrophising.