Comparison of the characteristics of long-term users of electronic
cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy
V. Nelson
M. Goniewicz
E. Beard
J. Brown
K. Sheals
R. West
L. Shahab
Background: Electronic cigarettes (EC) and nicotine replacement therapy
(NRT) are non-tobacco nicotine delivery devices widely used as partial or complete long-term
substitutes for smoking. Yet, little is known about the characteristics of long-term users,
including their views of these devices. Methods: Participants were recruited from four
naturally occurring groups of long-term (≥6 months) users of either EC or NRT who had stopped
or continued to smoke (N=36 per group, total N=144). Participants completed a questionnaire
assessing socio-demographic and smoking characteristics, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, smoker
identity and appraisal of products they were using. Findings: EC use was associated with
stronger smoker identity (Wald-X2(1)=3.9,p=0.048) and product endorsement
(Wald-X2(1)=4.6,p=0.024), irrespective of smoking status. Among ex-smokers, EC users reported
less severe mood symptoms (Wald-X2(1)=6.1,p=0.014) and cravings (Wald-X2(1)=8.5,p=0.003),
higher perceived helpfulness of the product (Wald-X2(1)=4.8,p=0.028) and lower intentions to
stop using the product than NRT users (Wald-X2(1)=17.6,p<0.001). Discussion: Compared with
NRT users, EC users have a stronger smoker identity and like their products more. EC are
perceived as more helpful and effective which may maintain continued nicotine consumption among
long-term users who have stopped smoking.