Implementation intention and mental imagery to improve physical
C. Meslot
A. Gauchet
M.S. Hagger
B. Allenet
Background: Health-related behaviors may be difficult to initiate, like
physical activity. The aim of this study is to test the effect of implementation intention and
mental imagery to improve physical activity. Methods: In a randomized control trial,
participants will be allocated to a control group, to an implementation intention group or to
an implementation intention plus mental imagery group. For a medium effect size, our study
requires a total sample size of 54 participants. Physical activity will be measured with
self-report questionnaires and special wristwatches (accelerometers) for objective measures.
Expected results: We expect that the participants in the implementation intention plus mental
imagery group will have significantly higher scores on physical activity measures than
participants in the two other group (calculated with an ANOVA with repeated measures, for a
within-between interaction). Current stage of work: We received the material for the measures
of the physical activity and we are currently at the recruitment phase. Discussion: This
research will enable to compare the effectiveness of the mental imagery in addition to the
implementation intention to initiate and maintain physical activity behaviors.