An open-access digital repository of self-regulation measures for health behaviors


  • M. Marques
  • M. Antunes
  • m. silva
  • E. Carraça
  • A. Palmeira
  • D. Markland
  • P. Teixeira


Background: The use of valid and culturally-appropriate instruments for assessing psychosocial factors related to health behavior change (HBC) ensures high standards in measurement procedures. However, researchers must have easy and open access to these measures. To address this need we built an open-access digital Repository of Portuguese measures of self-regulation for physical activity, eating behavior, and weight control. Methods: Eligible instruments were identified through several sources (e.g. international repositories, research teams). Instruments were categorized according to the construct(s) and behavior(s) assessed. For each instrument, we extracted information on the construct(s), mode of administration, scoring, validation procedures, and psychometric properties. Additional psychometric analyses were conducted whenever necessary. Results: Forty questionnaires were identified, 15 of which were validated to the Portuguese population. Detailed descriptions and Portuguese versions of the measures were made available in the digital Repository. The Repository is regularly updated with new instruments and additional data to the existing ones. It also contains a glossary of psychometric and theoretical construct(s) terms. Discussion: This open access digital Repository is a valuable resource to enhance the quality of HBC research and practice.





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