Strengthening couples during the transition to parenthood: a randomized
controlled study
W. Nieuwenboom
C. Benz
V. Anderegg
G. Bodenmann
H. Schmid
K. Halford
E. Vlajkovic
B. Fäh
This study aims at evaluating the effects of the Couple Care and
Training Program (CCC-P), which is based on two evidence-based programs and designed to support
couples during and after the transition state to first parenthood. CCC-P will be compared to
two other conditions: a self-directed learning approach where parents use a DVD to learn
knowledge and skills needed to adapt to parenthood and treatment as usual (TAU). 210 couples
will be randomly assigned to one of the three conditions. Assessments by questionnaire and
videotaped interaction will take place several times during the study. CCC-P should, relative
to the other two conditions, produce positive changes in attitudes, role division and
relationship skills. These changes are expected to mediate better couple relationship
satisfaction, child and parents’ well-being. Self-directed learning should yield better results
than TAU. In the recruitment stage, more than 200 couples (98% of a telephone screening) were
willing to participate. However, drop-out after birth remains a challenge. The study design
seems nevertheless feasible. Results will produce a deepened insight in how to optimize support
to couples who become parents.