Students smoking habits in Lithuania according to GYTS in 2001-2014


  • A. GoÅ¡tautas


Background: The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) provided by WHO Euro and GYTS collaborative group is designed to monitor students on behavioural and social smoking determinants thus coinciding with health psychology tasks in the area of preventive interventions. This study aims to evaluate students smoking situation in Lithuania by using GYTS. Method: GYTS in Lithuania was carried out in 2001, 2005, 2009 and 2014. A total of 3413 eligible students in grades 7-9 completed the GYTS survey questionnaire in 2014. Overall response rate of all students was 79.2%. Answers were analyzed in eight sub-scales reflecting smoking prevalence, second-hand smoking, availability etc. Findings: Overall ever smoked cigarettes 60.9%, 43.6% were exposed to tobacco smoke at home, 27.0% of current smokers bought cigarettes by themselves. Percentage of current smokers in 2014 decreased from 33.7 to 19.4 %. Discussion: Essential changes in student smoking habits were seen in Lithuania GYTS 2014 which were not a case in three previous surveys. It coincided with extensive anti-smoking campaigns and law enforcement. The data may be interesting for health psychologists guiding preventive interventions with students.





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