Online Interventions: Effective Methods, Games and Social Media.


  • P. van Empelen


Aims: - Increase insight in effectiveness of online interventions and games and the specific effects of BCTs - Increase insight in the use of social media for recruitment, retention and intervention - Discuss future development for online interventions and recommendations for developing, recruiting, reporting and evaluating online interventions. Rationale: The amount of online interventions has increased rapidly during the past two decennia. However, it remains unclear when, how and for whom the interventions are effective. This symposium aims to provide up-to-date insight in these factors as well as to provide recommendations for evaluation methods. Summary: First, Rik Crutzen will present a recent knowledge synthesis on online interventions, including gaps in the current knowledge and direction for future research. Next, Lenneke van Genugten will present a meta-analysis on the interactive effects of BCTs. Third, Jonathan van ‘t Riet will present a meta-analyses on the effectiveness of serious games. Specifically, he will focus on the effects of behavior change techniques within the game. Fourth, Kristin Schneider will present her review on the use of social media for recruitment. The discussion will be led by Pepijn van Empelen, and focus on the integration of the above presentations, as well as new directions for the study of effectiveness of online interventions. Timetable Presentation 1: Rik Crutzen Presentation 2: Lenneke van Genugten Presentation 3: Jonathan van ‘t Riet Presentation 4: Kristin Schneider Discussant: Pepijn van Empelen





