Interventions to combat and prevent cyberbullying


  • N. Gunther


Cyberbullying intervention resources can be classified into school-based and stand-alone interventions. The difference between both interventions will be described, but the focus of the presentation will be on the recently developed and theoretically based stand-alone interventions to combat and prevent cyberbullying. Five stand-alone interventions will be described that are based on theory and tested on effectivity. They are all tailored on personality characteristics, coping strategies and needs and have common core themes, but differ in their development and procedures. Several lessons can be learned from research on the effectiveness of these five interventions regarding the usefulness of interventions and implementation pitfalls. In the presentation the necessity of tailored advice in interventions and important aspects of the content and the structure of interventions will be discussed, as well as the necessity of guidance. Several recommendations for future interventions will be provided.





Oral presentations