Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Romanian Adolescents Transitioning to Adulthood. a Three Year Longitudinal Study.
A.E. Bernáth ()
Background: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative importance of adolescent pathways to subjective satisfaction with life and happiness. Methods: Data were drawn from a 2 wave (3 year) longitudinal study of the health and development of around 2000 Romanian, nationally representative sample of adolescent and young adults. In the first wave, a series of risk behaviors and positive resources were assessed by an online questionnaire that including aspects of social support and socioeconomic status. Findings: Romanian adolescents reported average risk factors close to European averages satisfactory levels of resources and social support. Levels of subjective happiness and life satisfaction were lower compared to European averages. Discussions: Inequalities in happiness and life satisfaction were mostly related to low socio-economic situation, lack of appropriate social cohesion and presence of risk factors