SoaSeksCheck; An intelligent e-counsellor to estimate STI risk and ease access to test facilities
Background. STI testing and treatment strategies need to be optimized to maximize the effect of control efforts and reach those most in need. An intelligent, automated chat agent (SoaSeksCheck (SSC) web app) was built to improve the reach of young people at-risk, optimize the assessment of risk, and to facilitate access to STI test centers for those at-risk. Key questions were: (1) does it reach those at risk for STIs, and (2) does it improve the positive test/number of test rate? Method. SSC was launched regionally (Rotterdam area) as of June 2015-December 2015. SSC was introduced via a Facebook campaign. A continuous mixed method evaluation design was used. Data was derived from Google Analytics (number of people reached, number of visits), SSC use was objectively tracked through server registrations and STD center data. Results. Over the period of 7 months, 155.000 people were reached by the campaign, of which 15.121 visited SSC, 39% of those started a chat. In total 510 people visited the appointment page (after having received a test advice), of which 156 people made an appointment via SSC. Of those, 45% got tested (94% lower educated, 65% ethnic minority. 29% got tested positive. Discussion The results thus far suggest that SSC can improve the reach of those at-risk for STI, and does improve the positive test/total test ratio (29% SSC vs. 17% on average, Χ2(1) = 6.5, p <.01). The study shows the potential of e-counseling.Published
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