Investigating an extended theory of planned behaviour to predict exercise in women aged 40 years+
Background: Despite the well documented health benefits of physical activity (PA) middle aged women (aged 40 years+) have lower levels of PA compared to their younger and male counterparts. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB; Ajzen, 1985) is extensively applied to predict PA in this population although findings have not been consistent (Conn et al., 2003). Instead it is argued that personality and motivational aspects are shown to be direct predictors of PA. This research aims to evaluate the predictive ability of an extended model of TPB (including personality and motivation) on intention and current levels of PA in women aged 40 years+. Method: This cross-sectional study is currently recruiting women aged 40 years+ online (N=1000) using opportunistic sampling. Personality traits (Big 5), TPB constructs and motivational regulatory style (SDT) will be measured using the International Personality Item Pool, Intentions Attitude and Barriers to PA Measure and Behavioural Regulation in Exercise. Frequency and intention to perform PA (DV) will be measured using the IPAQ. Structural Equation Modelling will be used to examine the predictive relationships proposed in the extended TPB. Current stage of work: A total of 305 participants have been completed the questionnaire. Recruitment is due to end beginning of June 2016. Discussion:This research will provide an enhanced theoretical understanding of what factors impact on exercise behaviour in women aged 40+. Uncovering this knowledge will help inform the development of tailored behaviour change interventions which will serve to improve levels of physical activity of this cohort.Published
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