Psychopathological symptoms in low risk pregnancies and obstetrical outcomes


  • A. Camarneiro
  • J. Justo


Background: Psychopathological symptoms (PS), ineffective coping and psychosocial risk (PR) have been repeatedly observed to associate with obstetrical difficulties (OD). Objectives: To understand the relationship between PS and PR on one side and OD on the other side. Methods: Predictive study: second trimester of pregnancy and post-delivery. Sample: pregnant women (N = 395) with low obstetrical risk. Instruments: Sociodemographic and Clinical Questionnaire, Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI) and Problems’ Solution Inventory (PSI). Results: Obstetric Pathology was observed in 24.3% of the sample. These women presented significantly higher values in BSI - Interpersonal Sensitivity (t = -2.13, p = .035) and PSI - Asking for Help (t = 2.43, p = .016). Comparisons between women with different obstetric pathologies show significant differences in anxiety (p = .04), hostility (p = .008) and in PSI - strategies of emotional control (p= .02). Women with gestational diabetes present the lowest values of PS and pregnant women with hypertension present the highest values of PSI – emotional control. Obstetric pathology and type of delivery did not present any associations with sociodemographic variables. Conclusion: The evolution of low obstetric risk pregnancies is difficult to predict. It is necessary to ensure the mental health of the pregnant woman namely promoting effective strategies of problems’ solution. Never the less, clinical guidance of pregnant women that develop obstetric pathology is fundamental for a healthy outcome at delivery.





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