A comprehensive assessment of the Person-environment fit dimensions and their relationships with work-related outcomes


  • M. Andela
  • M. van der Doef


A comprehensive assessment of the Person-environment fit dimensions and their relationships with work-related outcomes Marie Andela, Université de Franche-Comté, France Background: Recent theorizations agree to define the PE fit as a multidimensional concept including four types of fit: Person-Job (PJ)-fit, Person-Organization (PO)-fit, Person-Group (PG)-fit, and Person-Supervisor (PS)-fit. However, to our knowledge, no study has used a comprehensive PE fit assessment including simultaneously the four sub dimensions of fit in order to investigate their respective relationship with work-related outcomes. Thus, our aim was to better understand the relationship between the four dimensions of the PE- fit, burnout, job satisfaction and turnover intention. Methods: Participants: the study was conducted with a sample of 571 employees from the service sector in France. Measures: PE-fit was measured with the PPEFS (Chuang et al., 2016). Burnout was measured with the MBI-GS (Schaufeli, Leiter, Maslach, & Jackson, 1996). Job satisfaction was evaluated with Fouquereau and Rioux’s scale (2002) and turnover intention was evaluated with three items created by O’Reilly, Chatman, and Caldwell, (1991). Data analysis: correlation, regression and mediation analyses were performed. Findings: First the four dimensions of PE-fit were positively related to job satisfaction and negatively associated with burnout and turnover intention. Secondly, mediation analysis revealed that job satisfaction fully mediated the relationship between person-job-fit, person-organization, person-supervisor fit and turnover intention, while burnout partially mediated these relationships. Discussion: Our results point out the relevance of using a comprehensive assessment of the PE fit dimensions to understand job satisfaction, burnout and turnover intention





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