The Intention to get Vaccinated Against Influenza and Actual Vaccination Behavior of Healthcare Personnel
D. van
Background: To prevent the transmission of influenza to patients, influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel (HCP) is recommended but vaccination rates are low. The aim of this study was to identify social cognitive variables that explain the motivation to obtain vaccination and to test whether intention is a good predictor of actual vaccination behavior. Methods: Dutch HCP (N=1370) were invited to participate in a cross-sectional survey (baseline). To link intention to behavior, participants who completed the first questionnaire (N=556) were sent a second questionnaire after vaccinations were offered (follow-up). Findings: Multinominal regression analyses showed that HCP with a negative attitude, high autonomy, preference of inaction over vaccination, low moral norms, and high self-protection motives are more likely to report no intention to get vaccinated vs being unsure. A positive attitude and believing that vaccination is effective increase the probability of reporting high intention vs being unsure. 80% of the variance in intention was explained. Intention in turn explained 58% of the variance in behavior. Discussion: Social cognitive variables were identified that explain the intention to get vaccinated against influenza of HCP, which proved to be a good predictor of behavior. Future interventions should focus on these variables to increase vaccination coverage rates.