Biofeedback and Progressive Muscle Relaxations‘ Potential for Reducing Students‘ Academic Stress


  • I. Peciuliene
  • G. Jarasiunaite
  • A. Perminas


Background: Moderate level of stress is a normal phenomenon for students. Students who reported higher levels of stress were linked with poor health behaviors, increased depression, anxiety, reduced learning achievements. Thus, physical, psychological, behavioral, and academic difficulties were the cost of stress for students. When academic stress is perceived negatively, it may decrease academic performance and health. The study aimed at assessing the potential of relaxation training in reducing academic stress. Methods: Subjects of the study were 29 undergraduate university students aged between 19 and 27. The participants were randomly assigned to 3 different groups. Two groups received 4 progressive muscle relaxation (9, 32.3%) and skin-conductance relaxation (23, 41.9%) training sessions once a week between two measurements of their perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale, (Cohn, 1983) and academic stress (Student Academic Stress Scale, (Busari, 2011). Results: The results of the study showed that perceived stress and academic stress decreased after skin-conductance relaxation training, while no such changes were observed in the progressive relaxation and control groups.






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