Consumers’ Perception of Bread From a Health Perspective- an Exploratory Study Among a Swedish Population


  • P. Sandvik
  • I. Kihlberg
  • M. Nydahl
  • I. Marklinder


Background For strategies to increase the consumption of healthier bread one aspect to explore is consumers’ quality perceptions of bread from a health perspective. Method Survey, response rate 38 % n=1134. Open-ended questions regarding perceptions of healthy bread were content analyzed. Statistics: Correspondence analysis, Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square. Findings 1/3 had decreased their intake of bread, mainly to maintain/improve health. 1/5 did not know any bread that they considered healthy. Among respondents who did know healthy bread, 1/3 found it hard to identify. Most frequent descriptions of healthy bread were coarse, fiber, wholegrain, sourdough, dark. Most listed health effects were: good for stomach, fiber content, bowel health and satiating. Discussion Increasing consumers’ awareness of different types of breads contribution to a healthy diet is a challenge. The general health perception of bread was in line with recommendations but cues used may be misleading. Health is a credence quality attribute, but health effects that to some extent can be evaluated by the consumer after consumption are more relevant forming health related quality expectation of bread.






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