Is Lasting Improvement in Well-being Mediated by Change in Personality?
A. H.
Background: Personality traits are relatively stable and are associated with well-being, thus having important implications for the health and resilience of individuals. Methods: Participants were solicited via Facebook, and randomized into intervention group/waiting list (N=95). A structured internet-based intervention was administered over a 6-week period to the intervention group, and subsequently to the waiting list group. Measures included subjective well-being, and three personality traits. Measurements were taken at outset, again at 6 weeks with completion of the intervention, and 4 weeks later at follow-up. Results: Growth curve analysis yielded highly significant gains in well-being as well as in personality traits in the intervention group. The most parsimonious model for predicting the gain in well-being included the mediation the personality trait Self-Directedness. Discussion: The stability of change in well-being may be mediated by change in personality traits, which are basically more stable and enduring than changing life-circumstances.Thus resilience and well-being may hinge on affecting a change in the individual's personality traits.