Behaviour change interventions risk of bias in trial-based and model-based
economic evaluations
S. Evers
C.C. Adarkwah
P. van Gils
M. Hiligsmann
Objective: Several biases can occur when performing HTA/economic
evaluations of Behaviour change intervention. It is therefore important for decision makers to
be able to assess these biases and for researchers to minimize them. This presentation
addresses selected types of bias in trial-based and model-based economic evaluations. Methods:
Narrative review discussing sources of bias in economic. Biases were identified through
literature review and expert meetings and attached to the guideline chapters respectively.
Articles that illustrate the different bias were also retrieved. Results: We identified several
biases and assigned them to a particular trial phase. A distinction is made between pre-trial
biases, biases during the trial and biases that are relevant after the actual trial. Biases are
discussed in detail with their influence on the economic evaluation outcomes. Conclusion: In
order to avoid bias in economic evaluations, one has to take notice of published guidelines.
The development of a checklist addressing biases in economic evaluation might lead to a better
understanding and quality of economic evaluation, from researchers as well as from
policy-maker’s perspective.