Linking behaviour change techniques with theory


  • L. Connell
  • R. Carey
  • M. Johnston
  • A. Rothman
  • M. Kelly
  • M. de Bruin
  • S. Michie


Background: This presentation reports the findings of a study to identify links between behaviour change techniques (BCTs) and their theoretical mechanisms of action. Methods: A systematic review identified >700 behaviour change interventions reporting a theoretical basis and evidence of links between BCTs and theory. Interventions were coded for (i) BCTs using the 93-item taxonomy, (ii) theoretical domains from the Theoretical Domains Framework, and (iii) theoretical constructs proposed as mechanisms of action. The frequency and strength of links between BCTs and domains or constructs were calculated using non-parametric indices of association. Findings: Few papers linked all intervention components to individual mechanisms of action, instead tending to link interventions more broadly to overarching theoretical frameworks. Where mechanisms were mentioned, BCT-mechanism links were not always clear or explicit. Discussion: The links identified between behaviour change techniques and theory within the published literature facilitate our understanding of how interventions are proposed to have their effect. The resulting database of interventions and BCT-theory links will produce a resource for the behaviour change field of use for both researchers and intervention designers.




