Mindfulness-based Metaregulative Intervention: a new way to Increase Well-being and Reduce Depression and Anxiety


  • M. Furtner
  • T. Maran
  • E.Bänninger-Huber


Mindfulness is defined as intentional and non-judgmental observation of all experiences in the present moment. Metacognition is similar to mindfulness. Thoughts, emotions and behavior are observed from a meta-perspective. Thus, the metacognitive subject is separated from the observed object (e.g., one’s thoughts). Thoughts and emotions are attenuated by detached observation. Although the influence of dysfunctional cognitions and emotions are reduced through mindfulness-based interventions, from a metaregulative perspective it should be possible to affect one’s thoughts, emotions and behavior. Thus, mindfulness-based metaregulative intervention goes one step further: thoughts, emotions and behavior should not only be observed from a meta-perspective, but also directly influenced, regulated and controlled. In addition to mindfulness-based and metacognitive techniques, people will learn to influence and modify positive cognitions and emotions. It is assumed that the mindfulness-based metaregulative intervention has positive effects on well-being and reduces depression and anxiety. The discussion is based on psychoanalytic assumptions and cognitive behavioral therapeutic approaches.






Poster presentations