Special Interest Groups
Help individuals, families, and societies to better cope with life challenges related to illness and health, by promoting rigorous science, precise interventions, and close collaborations.
About SIGs
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are initiatives of the EHPS that enable members of the society with a shared interest to identify each other, exchange ideas and information and potentially establish collaborations. SIGs can include a focus on for example a specific illness or behaviour, an intervention technique/medium or a methodology.
SIG Current Groups
SIG Leading Committee

Angelos Kassianos

United Kingdom
Michele Birtel

Josianne Kolmann

United Kingdom
Daniela Watson

Adriana Baban

Nadia Griva

United Kingdom
Benjamin Gardner

United Kingdom
Philippa Lally

United Kingdom
Emma Norris

Elaine Toomey

Thomas Gultzow

Anne van Dongen
How To Apply
Send the completed application to the SIG Liaison Officer, (sig@ehps.net).
Application for a SIGs
Any EHPS member, or group of members can propose a new SIG.
There will be two annual calls for new SIGs, in March and October. Any EHPS member, or group of members can propose a new SIG.
A written proposal (click here) should be submitted to the SIG Leading Committee and clearly indicate.
The purpose of the SIG
Intended activities
Show how the SIG will contribute to the impact of EHPS in health psychology to research and/or practice and/or policy & strategic goals of the EHPS
Topic does not overlap with other existing SIGs
Criteria for SIGs
a) Organize at least one activity during the EHPS annual conference (e.g. SIG
meeting; symposium)
b) Organize at least one activity throughout the year, outside the EHPS conference
(e.g. webinar/Course)
Financial Support for SIGs
Examples of activities that can be funded by the EHPS are: Open access publication lead by a SIG, invitation of a speaker to attend a SIG initiative at a conference.