Special Interest Groups
The EHPS provide many outlets for collaborations based on joint interests
Open Science – SIG aims and upcoming events
The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Open Science Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in late December 2019, and in collaboration with the EHPS and other international organisations, we aim to:
Bring together health psychologists interested in Open Science behaviours
Share best practices/innovations in Open Science to health psychologists
Provide guidance and/or training on Open Science
Promote the role of health psychology for improving Open Science across disciplines
Liaise with organisations which promote Open Science
Encourage and reward replication and reproducibility within health psychology
Actions already made by this SIG
Established an Annual Early Career Open Science Award
Established an active SIG group of over 60 EHPS members
Open Science – Committee Details

Dr Elaine Toomey

Dr Emma Norris
United Kingdom

Rory Coyne

Training Officer
United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Dr Milou Fredrix
The Netherlands

Dr James Reynolds
United Kingdom

Dr James Green

Dr Alexandra Dima

Dr Sean Patrick Grant
United States

Dr Keegan Knittle

Matti Heino

Dr Joanna Brooks
United Kingdom

Social Media Lead
Tugce Varol
Previous Committee Members

Social Media Lead
Dr Chris Noone

Dr Charlotte Pennington
United Kingdom
Open Science – Early Career Award
Previous Winners

Early Career Award 2023
Dr Andriana Theodoropoulou
University of Essex

Early Career Award 2022
Rory Coyne
University of Galway

Early Career Award 2021
Dr Charlotte Pennington
Aston University
The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Open Science Special Interest Group are delighted to announce our EHPS OS SIG Student Award 2024! The Award wishes to recognise the contributions of current undergraduate, postgraduate and recently graduated students to open science within the field of health psychology and behavioural medicine. Winners will receive a bursary of €500.
Eligibility criteria:
Open Science – Training Events and Resources
Existing Open Science training:
Primers of the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)
Centre for Open Science: Preregistration
PaPOR TraIL – Principles and Practices of Open Research
NUI Galway Open Science and Scholarship resources
Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training
Intro to Open Science:
Kathawalla, U-K., Silverstein, P., & Syed, M. (2021). Easing into open science: A guide for graduate students and their advisors. Collabra Psychology, 7(1).
Open Science Collaboration. (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349(6251).
ReproducibiliTea Introductory Reading List.
Open Science in Health Psychology & related fields:
Hagger, M. S. (2019). Embracing open science and transparency in health psychology. Health Psychology Review.
Norris, E., He, Y., Loh, R., West, R. & Michie, S. (2021). Assessing markers of reproducibility and transparency in smoking behaviour change intervention evaluations. Journal of Smoking Cessation
Shaw, R.L., Bishop, F.L., Horwood, J., Chilcot, J. & Arden, M.A. (2019). Enhancing the quality and transparency of qualitative research methods in health psychology. British Journal of Health Psychology, 24, 739-745.
Kwasnicka D, Ten Hoor GA, van Dongen A, Gruszczyńska E, Hagger MS, Hamilton K, Hankonen N, Heino MTJ, Kotzur M, Noone C, Rothman AJ, Toomey E, Warner LM, Kok G, Peters GJ, Luszczynska A. Promoting scientific integrity through open science in health psychology: results of the Synergy Expert Meeting of the European health psychology society. Health Psychol Rev. 2020 Nov 19:1-17.
Zečević, K., Houghton, C., Noone, C., Lee, H., Matvienko-Sikar, K., & Toomey, E. (2020). Exploring factors that influence the practice of Open Science by early career health researchers: a mixed methods study. HRB Open Research, 3.
Norris, E. & O’Connor, D. (2019). Science as behaviour: Using a behaviour change approach to increase uptake of open science. Psychology & Health.
O’Connor, D. B. (2020). The future of health behaviour change interventions: Opportunities for open science and personality research. Health Psychology Review, 14(1), 176-181.
Open Science in Health Psychology & related fields:
Norris, E., Prescott, A., Noone, C., Green, J., Reynolds, J., Grant, S. & Toomey, E. (2022). Establishing Open Science Research Priorities in Health Psychology: a research prioritisation Delphi exercise.