Special Interest Groups
The EHPS provide many outlets for collaborations based on joint interests
EHPS Digital Health & Computer-Tailoring (SIG)
The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Special Interest Group (SIG) in Digital Health and Computer-Tailoring was launched at the 33rd EHPS Conference in 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The SIG was launched after a careful deliberation process in which the needs and the wishes of EHPS members interested in the subject of digital health and computer-tailoring were assessed (https://ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/article/view/3308/1189).
The Digital Health and Computer-Tailoring SIG aims to bring together researchers from Europe and beyond to advance digital health research through stimulating networking, knowledge exchange and joint research efforts (https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/cbc-digi-hub-blog/2019/10/01/joining-forces-in-research-introducing-the-ehps-special-interest-group-on-digital-health-and-computer-tailoring/).
What is the mission of the SIG?
The mission of the Digital Health and Computer-Tailoring SIG is to build a community of interested EHPS members to (1) advance digital health and computer-tailoring research and (2) to provide a forum to discuss new evidence, underlying mechanisms, and specific components of digital health interventions that may lead to enhanced behavioural outcomes.
How is the SIG organised?
The SIG is led by an organising committee that meets 4 times/year for 1 hour. Current members are:

Dr. Thomas Gültzow

Dr. Michèle Denise Birtel

communications officer
Dr. Hanne Zimmermann

social media officer
Hollie Smith

Kayleigh Kwah

events officer
Anila Allmeta

Events officer
Dr. Alea Ruf

membership officer
Frederick H. F. Chan
Recent examples of our events and work
Tailoring by Dr. Eric Hekler (https://osf.io/2wsfy)
Recruitment and Retention in digital health studies (https://osf.io/qmu46)
Career Progression Workshop for early careers
Scientific research:
Systematic review on the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviours in terms of equality (https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.13542)
Special Issue in the European Health Psychologist (https://www.ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/article/view/3383)
How to get involved?
Become a member (https://forms.gle/cL2m3Bv3Mf2oVwvm6)
Share your ideas for SIG related events with us (digital-health@ehps.net).
Also, follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/EHPSDigiHealth) to find out about:
(1) Our future activities.
(2) Chances to join the organising committee.
More information can be found in our Standard Operating Procedure (https://osf.io/hgsbr/).