Special Interest Groups
The EHPS provide many outlets for collaborations based on joint interests
Equity, Global Health and Sustainability
This special interest group (SIG) has grown from EHPS members’ common interests in issues of equity, global health, and sustainability, and the role health psychology could play in contributing to sustainable development. The group has informally started in 2017 with a mailing list and a ResearchGate group (see below). We have become an official SIG at the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) in December 2019.
What are the aims of the SIG EGHS?
Promoting rigorous health psychology research and practice regarding equity, global health, and sustainability.
Uniting EHPS members doing research and working in practice in these fields.
Each year, SIG members set specific goals and plan activities to achieve these aims.
How is the SIG organised?
After a recent reflection on the organisation of the SIG and how it worked for its members, we have moved towards a system of “Task Forces” related with the three broad areas of interest – sustainability, equity, and global health.
All members are encouraged to suggest tasks they think are relevant and important for the SIG to work on, and all members are welcome to join these task forces.
The SIG as a whole meets at least twice a year – at the EHPS conference, and virtually. A newsletter and a mailing list keep members up to date on activities throughout the year, and we are considering other formats that could facilitate informal exchanges (e.g. virtual cafes). The progress of the SIG is annually reported to the EHPS.
Recent examples of our work
All topics
Lunch talks on the SIG’s topics are organised during the year.
Global Health
A repository has been set up to provide a collection of measures that can be used in health psychology research in low resource and cross-cultural settings. It will be continuously updated. You can find the repository here: https://osf.io/r4b75/
We are planning to continue working with future organising committees.
We have also written joint publications:
Peer-reviewed paper on environmental health psychology: https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/full/10.1027/1016-9040/a000438
Equity, Global Health and Sustainability chairs

United Kingdom
Daniella Watson

United Kingdom
Lucia Rehackova

Josianne Kollmann

Gudrun Sproesser

Nadja Contzen

Claudia Teran-Escobar
How to get involved?
Get involved in the Task Forces.