Frequently Asked Questions
Help individuals, families, and societies to better cope with life challenges related to illness and health, by promoting rigorous science, precise interventions, and close collaborations.
How the site works
I want to change my password. How do I do this?
Once you’re logged in, click ‘MY ACCOUNT’ . Then, click the ‘Edit’ tab and enter your new password.
I have forgotten my password, so I have requested a new password, but the email does not arrive. What can I do?
Some email providers, such as Microsoft (e.g. Hotmail) are extremely diligent when it comes to blocking potential spam, frequently preferring to err on the side of caution rather than the other way around. Since these password emails are generated automatically, they may sometimes be mistaken for spam; and sometimes, the email provider blocks them even before they arrive in the junk/spam email folder. A quick solution is to use, for example, your professional email account (our membership office can help you to change the email account in your EHPS account), or to ask the membership office to set your password to something you specify, which will allow you to log in and then change your password to something only you know. We would greatly appreciate it if you would let us know if you do not receive emails, so that we can look into the matter and try to tweak the email content such that your email provider no longer considers it offending.
Membership acquisition / renewal
How do I renew/purchase a membership?
Visit this section.
I want to pay the membership for somebody else. How do I do this?
You will have to log in using that other person’s account. They can change their password temporarily to something you both know by clicking the ‘My Account’ link (at the right-hand side when they’re logged in) and then clicking the ‘Edit’ tab.
I want to print an invoice for my membership fee. Where can I find it?
Please contact who will assist you with your request.
We would like an invoice so that a number of staff members can pay at once, instead of everybody paying individually. Is that possible?
No, unfortunately this is not possible. The costs of offering this as well (which boils down to running two administrations in parallel) are considerable (prohibitively so). All individuals will have to purchase/renew their memberships themselves, and then get reimbursed by their institution. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Will I get a confirmation of my membership status?
Where can I find the expiry date of my membership?
I want more information on the grants. Where can I find this?
Information on the grants in is the Membership Menu. For an overview, see this page.
I want to change the frequency with which I receive emails to weekly (or never). Where do I change this?
If you’re logged in, visit this page or click ‘My account’ (top-right). Then, click the ‘Notifications’ tab below your username/email address. Here, choose whether you would like to receive EHPS updates at most once a day; at most once a week; or never. Note that email is our primary communication channel, and therefore, we reserve the right to send some important communications through a different channel: those will be received by all EHPS members, but those will also be rare.