EHPS National Delegate
Support the EHPS to deliver its aim of helping individuals, families, and societies to better cope with life challenges related to illness and health, by promoting rigorous science, health promotion interventions, and close collaborations.
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Marta M. Marques
In Portugal, there are MSc and PhD programs in Health Psychology, in Clinical Health Psychology and Social Health Psychology, as well as in Clinical and Health Psychology. The professional certification of health pscyhologists is done by the Portuguese Order of Psychologists, but the certification is on "Clinical Health Psychology". To be certified as a Health Psychologist working in the National Health System individuals need to apply for specific positions (that are open through national public service offers) and undergo through 2-years of practice and supervision. The national scientificy society of health psychology is the "Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde" who runs a bi-annual national conference and has a scientific journal mainly in European Portuguese Language "Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças"
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Portuguese National Science Foundation
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