
Help individuals, families, and societies to better cope with life challenges related to illness and health, by promoting rigorous science, precise interventions, and close collaborations.

The EHPS is pleased to announce that applications for Conference/CREATE Workshop/Synergy Expert Meeting/Bring a Stakeholder grants are now open.

Deadline for grant applications: Friday 16th May 2025

The purpose of the conference/workshop grants is to encourage talented researchers and graduate students who do not otherwise have access to funding to attend the EHPS conference and/or the CREATE workshop or Synergy Expert meeting.

Bring A Stakeholder Grants

In order to optimise the understanding of the implications of health psychology research for policy and practice this grant will enable applicants to bring a non-academic collaborator or partner (such as a healthcare practitioner, policy maker, charitable worker, industrial partner) to the conference for some mutual knowledge transfer. A maximum of €1350 is available to go towards the stakeholders’ conference fee, accommodation, travel, and subsistence. Applications must be led by the academic collaborator, with the stakeholder as a named co-applicant.

Grant Selection Process

Please send your application electronically to the Grants Officer (

Decisions on acceptance/rejection of submitted applications will be acknowledged within 3 weeks after the deadline.
Bring a Stakeholder Grant applications will be reviewed by the Grants Officer and the EHPS Executive Committee President or President-Elect
Application documents:
Please collate the following documents into ONE file (PDF) before submitting (please note, applications not received in the requested format will not be reviewed):
A one-page supporting letter led by the academic partner, to detail your academic collaboration with your external stakeholder and what you hope to get out of their attendance at EHPS.
A supporting letter from this external collaborator stating how they think attending EHPS as a ‘Bring a Stakeholder’ award recipient may benefit their research collaborations.
Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) from both the academic lead AND the Stakeholder.
An estimate of total expected expenses (including conference registration, accommodation, and travel).
Precondition and expectations for receiving grants from the EHPS:
The academic applicant is required to be an EHPS member and meeting their own attendance costs (unless they are recipients of another EHPS Conference, workshop, or meeting grant).
A Stakeholder Engagement session will be scheduled into the conference program (90 minutes) which the Stakeholder will be expected to chair.
The Bring a Stakeholder grant can only be used to attend the upcoming conference. It cannot be carried over to the following year and it cannot be given to another person to attend the conference.
If for any reason the grant recipient cannot attend the conference ‘in person’, the EHPS Grants Officer must be informed prior to the conference. The conference registration may be changed to online attendance at the discretion of the EHPS Grants Officer. In this instance, the grant will cover online conference registration only. It will be assumed that the grant recipient will not incur any travel or accommodation costs when attending online.
A condition of funding is the requirement to write a conference report for potential publication in the European Health Psychologist (EHP) facilitated by the EHP editorial Team.