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Synergy new board member call 2024

Jun 26, 2024

Synergy is a subdivision of the European Health Psychology Society. Synergy organises an annual Expert Meeting and Winter School, both providing an opportunity for synergistic discussion between health psychologists conducting research in core fields within health psychology. The focus of the Synergy Expert Meetings is on advancing the standard of work within the field by pooling expertise, sharing critical evaluations, and stimulating networking and collaborative research between expert researchers from all over Europe and overseas in an informal and supportive atmosphere. The focus of the Synergy Winter School is to advance state-of-the-art research topics and/or methodology by bringing together researchers with existing experience for expert training. Most Synergy Board members are early/mid-career postdoctoral researchers.

The benefits of becoming a Synergy Board member are:

  • Being part of a dynamic community of researchers organising meetings for world leading Health Psychology experts
  • Contributing to the European Health Psychology Society as an active and engaged member
  • Refining organisational and team working skills while working with Synergy Board members and other leading experts
  • Connecting with colleagues involved in the Synergy Board as well as the Boards of CREATE, EMPOWER, and the European Health Psychology Society Executive Committee (EC).


The Synergy treasurer is responsible for all financial matters related to Synergy’s activities.

In particular, the tasks of the Synergy treasurer are:

  • Directing, tracking, and keeping records of all financial transactions overseen by Synergy
  • Keeping proper accounts of the finances of Synergy
  • Keeping financial records throughout the year, to be presented to the Synergy Board, the EHPS EC and the auditors
  • Being available for consultations on financial records
  • Ensuring that all funds raised on behalf of Synergy or granted to Synergy are applied solely to matters following the aims of Synergy

Evaluation & Dissemination Officer

The Synergy Evaluation and Dissemination Officer (EDO) is responsible for evaluating the Synergy Expert Meetings, the Winter Schools, and the EHPS Pre-Conference Workshops, and disseminating the results to facilitate quality improvement. The EDO also liaises with Easy Conferences to maintain the Synergy website.

Tasks of Synergy Evaluation and Dissemination Officer:

  • Create digital flyers for the upcoming Expert Meetings (EM) and Winter Schools (WS)
  • Maintain and disseminate the EM and WS registration forms
  • Advertise the EM and WS via the EHPS website
  • Support the review and selection of pre-conference workshop applications
  • Prepare and administer the EM, WS, and pre-conference workshop evaluation forms
  • Share the EM, WS, and pre-conference workshop evaluations with their facilitators and in the Annual Report to the

Information on Synergy

Being a Synergy Board member includes tasks such as organizing the annual Synergy Expert Meeting and the Synergy Winter School, participating in the Winter Board Meeting (one day each year in January or February), preferably attending the Synergy Summer Board Meeting and AGM at the EHPS conference, participating in monthly one-hour online meetings, and contributing to the planning of future activities to promote Synergy’s aims. Most Synergy Board members are early/mid-career postdoctoral researchers. The Synergy board strives for diversity among its members regarding gender, background, and country of employment. Board members are expected to serve for a minimum of one term (2 years) and can serve for a maximum of two terms (excluding the shadowing period). All current board members can be reached for informal inquiry and would be delighted to tell you more about our work. Please see the Synergy website for a list of current Synergy board members at

The deadline for applications is July 17th, 2024. Please express your interest by sending a brief motivational letter to Synergy at, indicating why you would be a good candidate for the position (100 to 300 words). If there is more than one eligible application, there will be a voting process among the EHPS members to select one candidate. Your brief motivational letter will be used for this voting procedure.

Thank you and kind regards,
Anne van Dongen
On behalf of the Synergy Board