EHPS National Delegate

Support the EHPS to deliver its aim of helping individuals, families, and societies to better cope with life challenges related to illness and health, by promoting rigorous science, health promotion interventions, and close collaborations.

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Angelos Kassianos

Department of Nursing, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus

In Cyprus, Health Psychology is not officially recognized as an applied specialization but it has been in the process to be recognized for many years. The title of psychologist is protected by law with current specialization that are recognized being Clinical, Counseling and Educational Psychologist. At the national level Health Psychologists are represented through the Cyprus Psychologists Association. Those with a Health Psychology background work mainly in academia/research. There are three public and six private Universities in Cyprus but no official Health Psychology training route established as of yet.

The Cyprus Psychologists Association (CYPSA, is the representative body for psychology and psychologists in Cyprus. There is currently a Clinical and Health Psychology working group which is active in the Association.

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Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation

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